The world of work has changed, but people haven't

Build culture and belonging in distributed teams with an AI-powered platform

Hoogly helps distributed teams build meaningful connections

By encouraging people to share more of themselves and build empathy for one another

Venn, our quirky AI, is around to break the ice, make friends or let you vent

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Modern teams thrive on relationships that transcend the org chart

Reach the wider company as yourself or anonymously

Hoogly's team wellbeing index

Measure the strength of your distributed team and identify areas of improvement

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A picture of a lady wearing a blue blazer, with hands crossed and a smile on her face.

"Organisations are struggling to find a balance between what different stakeholders want from hybrid. This app can help organisations find that balance."

Karin Sanders
Senior Deputy Dean (Research & Enterprise) UNSW Business School

A stronger culture and a greater sense of belonging yields*:

Reduction in sick days
Increase in employer promoter score
increase in job performance
Drop in turnover rate

*The Value of Belonging at Work Harvard Business Review.

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